Boiled Mixed Vegetables Soup-Thai vegetarian food
By Watthana(rearrange)
Hello, today we will make a simple menu. Boiled mixed vegetables. This is Thai food that can be eaten easily.
Boiled mixed vegetables is a food of Thai people for a long time. There is no country in the world that cooks like Thai people. It is a vegetable dish that is appetizing soft and delicious.
It is a highly nutritious food with many health benefits. The main ingredient is various vegetables. It is popular to eat with hot steamed rice, boiled rice. It has a sweet, slightly salty, and mellow flavor from cooked vegetables.
I use tofu skins instead of meat. and put soft tofu. Then cut into small pieces.
Vegetables used are of the following types:
1. Chinese cabbage
2. Kale
3. Chinese cabbage
4. Radish
5. Tango vegetables
6. Celery, which will make it smell good
7. Shiitake mushrooms. By soaking in water to soften, squeeze out the water, and cut the base off.
Cut the leg of the shiitake mushrooms and cut them into small pieces.
First, we start with preparing the seasonings for stir-frying.
Preparing the ingredients for stir-frying:
1. Pounded roasted white sesame 2 tablespoons.
2. Use whole celery leaves and 1 stem.
3. Pepper 1 tsp.